Saturday, November 12, 2016


Sooo, I've been working with a friend, Kris, on a future project, and we recently sent a pitch package to a publisher with hopes of getting a grant to kick-start our project financially and get us underway as Comic Creators.

For now it is titled "Project Turtleneck" for obvious reasons.

For our pitch we had to produce 5 pages from the story, so here are the sample pages, pages 10-14 from the script.

If you click on one of the pages, it will enlarge to full screen viewing.

I have also included the process below.

Planning and original pencil thumbnail

I then scan my thumbnails to add detail digitally to become my Breakdowns

I did the background perspective in Manga studio separately.

I then placed a cheap paper over top of these breakdowns and proceeded to traditional penciling.

I printed my pencils out in blue line on to Bristol and inked over them, here are the raw scans.

And then the final treated black and white inks, with letters above at the top.

We will be making this project regardless of if we are awarded the grant. It might take longer without the financial backing, but it will happen... eventually.